Correctional facilities equipped with JurisLink kiosks can be found below. Many facilities are equipped with multiple holding rooms to allow for various JurisLink meetings to take place. When a jail status says, “OPEN,” it means that the JurisLink kiosk is available to book and conduct a meeting.

Barnstable County Jail (MA) (Now Open)


Barnstable House 1 Pod A Interview Room


Barnstable House 1 Pod B Interview Room


Barnstable House 1 Pod C Interview Room


Barnstable House 2 Room E110 Multipurpose Room


Barnstable House 3 J Pod Interview Room


Barnstable House 3 K Pod Interview Room


Barnstable House 3 L Pod Interview Room


Barnstable House 3 M Pod Interview Room


Boston Federal Court Marshals' Holding Room (Free Meetings)


Boston Marshals' Holding Room 1


Boston Marshals' Holding Room 2


Boston Marshals' Holding Room 3


Boston Marshals' Holding Room 4


Boston Marshals' Holding Room 5


Boston Marshals' Holding Room 6


Norfolk County Jail


Norfolk County AV2 Kiosk


Norfolk County AV3


Norfolk County AV4

  Closed  Jail admin

Plymouth County Jail


Plymouth Unit ARV1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit ARV2 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit B2 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit C1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit C3 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit DN 1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit DN3 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit DS1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit DS3 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit E1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit E3 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit FN1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit FN3 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit FS1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit FS3 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit G East Kiosk


Plymouth Unit G West Kiosk


Plymouth Unit H1 Kiosk


Plymouth Unit H3 Kiosk


Worcester Federal Court Marshals' Holding Room (Free Meetings)


Worcester Marshals' Room Holding 1


Worcester Marshals' Room Holding 2


Alamance County Jail


Albemarle District Jail






ADJ Booking (F & H Pods)






Bladen County Jail


Bladen County Kiosk


Brunswick County Detention Center


Carteret County Jail


Carteret County Jail 3:30-5:00pm lawyer visits


Cherokee County Detention Center


Cherokee Interview


Cherokee Library


Cleveland County Jail


Cleveland County Annex District Court Kiosk (Attorney Kiosk after 1 p.m.)


Cleveland County Superior Kiosk


Cleveland County Women's Court Kiosk


Columbus County Jail


Columbus County Kiosk


Craven County Jail


Craven County Jail


Craven County Jail Court


Craven County Courtroom 5 Kiosk


Craven County Courtroom 6 Kiosk


Duplin County Jail


Duplin County Jail


Edgecombe County Jail


Edgecombe County Booking


Edgecombe Yellow Pod (Female Unit)


Forsyth County Jail


Forsyth 10 North


Forsyth 10 South


Forsyth 2 North


Forsyth 2 South


Forsyth 4 North


Forsyth 4 South


Forsyth 6 North


Forsyth 6 South


Forsyth 8 North


Forsyth 8 South


Franklin County Jail


Franklin County Kiosk


Hoke County Jail


Hoke County Kiosk


Jones County


Jones County Kiosk


JurisCity Detention Jail


JurisCity 2 Greensboro


JurisCity 3


JurisCity 4


JurisCity 5


JurisCity Attorney


Juriscity Eddie


Juriscity EDNC


JurisCity Kiosk Greenboro Surface


JurisCity MDNC


JurisCity Samsung


JurisLink (Jason - Testing Only)


JurisLink Admin Kiosk


ST Android Test




Lincoln County Jail


Lincoln County Kiosk


McDowell County Jail (Marion, NC)


McDowell County Men's Dorm


McDowell County Women's Dorm


Mecklenburg County Jail


Mecklenburg 4th Floor Kiosk (Open to all)


Mecklenburg 6th Floor Kiosk (open to all)


Mecklenburg Station 1 (Room 1644)


Mecklenburg Station 2 (Room 1646)


New Hanover County Jail


New Hanover County Room 3


New Hanover Public Defender Kiosk


Onslow County Jail


Courtroom Collins Office


Onslow County Attorney Room


Pamlico County Jail


Pamlico County Kiosk


Pender County Jail


Pender County Attorney Kiosk


Raleigh Federal Building


Robeson County Jail (North Carolina)


Robeson County Attorney Kiosk


Sampson County Jail


Sampson County Jail Kiosk


Wake County Jail Hammond Road


Wake County Room 32 (Attorney Meetings)


Wake County Room 33 (Attorney Kiosk 2)


Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility


Wyatt Rm 1013 (Primary)

  Closed  maintenance

Anderson City Jail


Anderson City Fed Block


Anderson City State Block


Barnwell County Jail


Barnwell Contact Visitation (Pickens)


Barnwell Contact Visitation (Zorn)


Charleston County Detention Center (Now Open)


Charleston County Detention Center


Georgetown County Detention Center (NOW OPEN)


Georgetown County Jail


Horry County Jail


Horry County Attorney Kiosk


Horry County Jail Federal Court Kiosk


Spartanburg County Jail


Spartanburg County Interview Room 1-13 (Main Jall all Private, Appointed and State PD attorneys)


Spartanburg County Interview Room 2-14 (Main Jall all Private, Appointed and State PD attorneys)


Spartanburg County Jail Attorney Room/FPD and USPO ONLY


Spartanburg Jail Annex (180 N Daniel Morgan Ave)


Piedmont Regional Jail


Piedmont Regional Jail Kiosk


Southside Regional Jail (Emporia, VA) (NOW OPEN)


Southside Regional Jail C-124 (Law Library)


Southside Regional Jail Room C-107 (Attorney Room)



JurisLink is amazing. Brings the practice of criminal defense up to speed with modern technology. Drastically reduces the time and cost spent for travel and visiting incarcerated clients. Enables increased contact with clients without interruption of my daily court house and office obligations. I can more effectively represent an increased number of clients by utilizing JurisLink to the satisfaction of my clients. My clients find the video-conferencing equipment helpful and trustworthy in providing attorney/client privileged communications and have appreciated the increased contact.

Jennifer H., 25 years of experience

JurisLink is simple, efficient, and life-changing. It has allowed me to interact with clients more regularly, and it saves the cost of gas and time in going back and forth from the jail. It is a revolutionary program, and I recommend it 100 percent.

Lyana H., 12 years of experience

JurisLink is essential to timely and effective communication with my incarcerated clients. I’ve been a regular JurisLink user since 2014. JurisLink has continuously updated its technology to provide enhanced communication features, such as screen sharing and multi-user conferencing. JurisLink’s combination of technology and unparalleled customer service allows me to be responsive, productive, and efficient in representing all of my clients.

Kelly M. D., 9 years of experience

I have used JurisLink since I found out about it, and it has changed my law practice. The ability to quickly and easily access my clients from the office or other locations saves me time and money. I can’t live without it.

Chris O., Wilmington, NC

JurisLink helps me effectively maximize my time during the day. Rather than spending time trudging back and forth to the jail with a ton of files, I just log on from my office, click a few links to arrange for my client and I to meet, and viola! At the scheduled time, my client is there, I’m there, and we can discuss whatever needs to be discussed. It’s perfect for my situation, a large quantity of district court cases and a handful of more serious felonies. I spend most of my time in the courthouse during the day, and rather than having to travel to the jail several times a week after hours, I can meet with many of my incarcerated clients during my lunch break. It’s a great option to have.

Cristy R., 4 years of experience

I have been using JurisLink to meet with my clients for almost two years. JurisLink has completely changed my practice and made me a better lawyer. I practice in a district that is very spread out and routinely requires me to drive several hours to visit clients being held in custody. Jurislink has made a significant impact on the amount of travel required and has enabled me to spend more time in my office and still be in contact with my clients. It allows me to meet with clients when it is convenient for me, instead of when it is convenient for the jail. It also allows me to have meetings with clients that I would not have had in the past because of time restrictions. If there is something important that needs to be passed along, I no longer have to find the time to go to the jail. I simply schedule a JurisLink meeting and log in. All of my clients have appreciated the increased communication.

Brent W., 10 years of experience

JurisLink has changed my life. It is the most convenient, efficient, and simple way to visit with your clients whether it be for an in depth interview or just to let them know a simple update, or that you haven’t forgotten that you represent them. It makes the clients happy to be able to see you, even just for a few minutes, and it is so wonderful to be able to sneak in a visit on the weekends or evenings from the comfort from your home or office—as well as avoiding the driving time, gas money, and sanitary issues that are involved with visiting the jail. I would more than highly recommend this product to anyone who is interested.

Kate S., 5 years of experience

I used the Brunswick County JurisLink system with a Spanish interpreter. It was incredibly efficient, saving me 5 hours of driving and the travel of an interpreter. This was my first use of the system with an interpreter, which I had sitting next to me at my desk. Communication was more clear than a typical meeting with an interpreter because we were not all in the same, small room. The client only saw me, and therefore the translation of issues seemed more directed from me and less distracting to the client. A great system!

Tom W., 11 years of experience

I have been a practicing attorney for 19 years and dealt with many so called “solutions” that would revolutionize the legal system and connecting folks through technology. The way I view these “solutions” isn’t usually based on the tech but rather on the people and support. This is where most “solutions” miss, but this is where Jurislink excelled in my usage. I had some problems getting connected not due to Jurislink but rather the facility and staffing issues. Slade and his group made sure to quickly address their end and even when is wasn’t their issue they made sure to take care of me and make sure there was a solution. I would also add they were extremely responsive and took care to reach out to me and to the facility to address shot notice contact on a very time sensitive matter. So as to my first point these guys have the right attitude and are customer centric which is rare in this field. I would highly recommend using there product as the tech is good but the service is outstanding.

Benjamin Hartford Esq., The Law Office of Benjamin Hartford LLC